Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet

The purpose of Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet is to control a person's hunger. Dr. Siegal started making his cookies for dietetic purposes in 1975. The cookies were only made for people who were patients of his medical practice who were trying to lose weight. He made the cookies from a special amino acid formula that has amazing hunger control properties. People have been using this brand of diet for decades with much success, but only since 2007 has this diet been available directly to the consumer. By eating six cookies per day and a sensible dinner, anyone can lose weight on this diet.

While Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet does have competitors, Dr. Siegal has stated that none of the other diets that use cookies use the same formula of food proteins that he uses in the creation of his cookies. In fact, the good doctor mixes up every batch of cookie batter with his own two hands. Only he and his wife know the exact ingredients in the cookies. No other individual or company has been able to duplicate it since its introduction in 1975.

Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet offers the following different flavors of cookies from which to choose when ordering: blueberry, coconut, banana, oatmeal raisin and chocolate. Each box is called a weekly box and contains seven bags of six cookies each. A person can expect to get fourteen meals out of each box, or seven breakfasts and seven lunches. The ingredients used to create the cookies are eggs, milk, wheat, soy and non vegetable protein.

Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet basically functions as a meal replacement diet. Instead of eating as you normally would, you eat the specially formulated, hunger controlling cookies for breakfast and lunch. The hunger controlling cookies will keep you from eating other foods besides the six cookies. Then, you eat a sensible dinner. Even if you are not overweight, these cookies can be a great way for anyone to snack, but avoid piling on the pounds with high calorie and high fat snacks you might otherwise choose.

Whether you need to lose weight, or simply control your weight, you can find a great solution for either with this particular cookie diet.

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